Search Engine Optimization

/Search Engine Optimization

Inbound Marketing

What is Inbound Marketing? It is the combined use of different tools to attract more people to your site, which in turn results in more sells and higher returns

Inbound Marketing is about making yourself easily found in order to  draw customers to your website. The idea of Inbound Marketing is opposed to “Outbound Marketing” where you push your company out to your target market via ads, direct mail, cold calls, etc. In other words, Inbound is about “earning” your way in by offering relevant content about your product, as opposed to “buying” your way in, in unsolicited ways […]

Be found in Google

Surveys show that over 85% of internet users go to search engines such as Google to find not just products and services, but information and reviews about them.

Sure enough, you want to show up whenever someone does a search related to your business. While we won’t promise that you’ll be the #1 result (no one can, and don’t trust anyone who claims to do so!), we have achieved solid results for our clients, where they consistently show up at the top of the first page of search results, and drive a healthy percentage of visits from search engines. […]

Promote my business

Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, banners, social media.  There are so many ways to promote your business online. How do you make sense of it all? What’s best? What works? And more importantly, how do you bring in results? […]

Attract new customers

There are many tools to attract new customers. We’ll analyze your situation and choose the combination of tools that works best for you. The tools include: […]

Sell more online

Of course you want to sell more! That’s why you have a business, right?

There is no simple answer or solution because everything depends on where you’re at.

If you don’t have a website, we’ll design one for you

  • making sure it complies with current design, coding and usability standards
  • that is SEO friendly […]

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of designing and structuring a website to improve the position (or ranking) in which a company’s link appears on a search results page.

Search engines have free (also called “organic”) and paid listings. SEO refers to the ranking of organic search results.

Surveys show that over 85% of internet users find new Web sites by using search-engines. This means that Search Engine Optimization must be a part of your online marketing strategy. Improving your visibility will attract more customers and improve awareness of your company and products or services.

Our SEO services include: […]