More and more we hear businesses say “Why do I want a website if I can have a Facebook page?

A Website and a Facebook page might both display content about your business, product and service. But they serve two very different purposes.

[tagline_box  description=”A Website and a Facebook page might both display content about your business, product and service. But they serve two very different purposes.”][/tagline_box]

Your Facebook page is for quick and frequent interactions while your Website serves as a hub for maybe less frequent, but longer, deeper and more informative interactions with your customers, current or potential.

There are other reasons why Facebook can never replace a Website, a few of these being that you don’t have ownership or control over the platform, you can’t control the user experience, there are limited design options and branding alternatives, and not to be ignored, the fact that not having your own url can negatively impact trust in your brand and may hurt sales

The graphic below outlines a few important ideas:

  1. The inter-relationship of all the online tools
  2. How the website is the hub for all other online marketing tools

 E-ffectiveWeb: email marketing, SEO, Online Advertising, Ecommerce, Social Media, Web Analytics

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